Work sucks...let's drink

Bartles and Jaymes

Wine - Bartles and Jaymes Cucumber & Lime wine cooler

Set the Mood - Sweats, flip flops, your kids running around like crazy, and a beach chair in the garage

Yup, this was me last night, or to be more accurate, yesterday late afternoon.

I had a ham in the oven because I want the leftovers for sandwiches, etc without having to go to the store for lunch meat. It was raining, so the kids were needing to get their wiggles out, so I blew up the jump house in the garage that we got for Lucy’s 4th birthday, put some of those “pit balls” inside, and let them go to town.

I had bought the wine coolers for a taste test that I never got around to and there was just something about sitting on a beach chair with a wine cooler that made me feel a little bit like summer and a little bit like a rebel…perhaps because it was only 4pm.

Regardless, the wine cooler was light, a little sweet (7g of sugar per can), and reminiscent of a simpler time.

It was JUST what I needed.