Chris Broaddus of Anatum Winery

I met Chris through his wife Aerin. She called me to come take their family’s photos for the holidays. Not gonna lie…it was love at first meeting. The first thing she said was something along the lines of, “We haven’t taken family photos since our wedding day and that’s because I don’t like getting my picture taken. Let’s make this quick.” Since that meeting, they’ve been one of my biggest fans and I theirs.

Chris Broaddus is such an awesome guy and NOT the typical winery owner. First off, I’m pretty sure he’s my age…mid 30s. Secondly, he’s humble, like VERY humble. Thirdly, he has his hands in EVERY aspect of the wine making process. He’s pruning vines, he’s netting, he’s harvesting, he’s cleaning fermenters, he’s bottling, he’s driving 4 hours away to pick up a “new to him” piece of equipment…and then he’s pouring wines on the weekend at the tasting room (when we aren’t in shelter-in-place, due to COVID-19). The guy is a machine!

I know this is supposed to be all about hotties in the industry, but his wife and he make such a great team, I can’t NOT mention her (all you grammar freaks, yes I just did a double negative). Aerin is a SPIT FIRE. Her dry humor and quick wit is such a great compliment to his more introverted nature, it’s entertaining as hell.

Support them today by buying wine direct. Visit their website HERE and email them HERE to inquire on availability and shipping!